Gardner Polyposis (Fluoroscopic Image)
Gardner Polyposis - Fluoro Image
Courtesy: Dr. Saeed Rad MD (radRounds Radiology Network Member)
Compressive Pneumothorax (CT, 3D)
Pneumothorax - 3D Rendering from CT
via Dr. Celine Rodriguez MD (radRounds Radiology Network)
Luxatio Erecta (X-Ray)
Luxatio Erecta - Xray
Luxatio Erecta, otherwise more known as an inferior shoulder dislocation is one of the least common...
Light-bulb Sign (X-Ray)
Light Bulb Sign - X Ray
Posterior dislocation of R.shoulder: The humeral head is force placed into internal...
Morton Neuroma (MR)
Morton Neuroma - MRI
Morton neuroma: Known as an interdigital or intermetatarsal neuroma. These lesions are focal...
Coffee Bean Sign (X-Ray, KUB)
Coffee Bean Sign - X Ray
The coffee-bean sign or kidney bean sign or bent inner tube sign...
String of Pearls Sign (X-Ray)
String of Pearl Sign - X-Ray
Erect abdominal radiograph of a patient showing small bubbles of gas trapped...
Unknown Pregnancy (CT, 3D Render)
Unknown Pregnancy on CT / 3D Rendering
Courtesy: Dr. Gaspar-Alberto Motta-Ramirez MD (radRounds Radiology Network Member)
Pneumobilia (CT)
Pneumobilia (CT)
Case courtesy of Dr. Saeed Rad MD (radRounds Radiology Network Member)