Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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What does COVID look like on a chest xray?

(RSNA) Case example of diffuse non-specific airspace opacities in both lungs in an intubated patient with confirmed COVID diagnosis on day 6...

Coronal Chest CT: COVID demonstrating Nodular and Mass-like Airspace Opacities

(RSNA) - CT Chest coronal view demonstrates multifocal nodular and mass-like airspace opacities in both lungs. Source: Song et al, Radiology...

How to read a COVID-19 Chest X-Ray – visual guide

How to read a COVID-19 Chest X-Ray - visual guide

Case of the Day: Brain Mass on CT

What is your diagnosis? A. Craniopharyngioma or B. Aneurysm Answer - Click here

Radiologic Sign of the Day (CT) for COVID: Crazy Paving

On cross sectional CT imaging of the lung, sometimes, you might see what is known as thickened interlobular and intralobular lines (opacities)...

Chest X-Ray Basics: PA vs. AP

Which one is AP and which one is PA? The answer is... below. On the PA view,...

Scimitar Sign

Refers to the curved vascular shadow (resembling a short, curved Turkish sword called scimitar) representing an anomalous...


Diagnosis: Osteopoikilosis Source: Dr. Runalaila Soofi MD (radRounds Radiology Network Member)

Scottish dog sign

Scotty Dog Sign The Scottie or Scottish dog or Terrier sign refers to the normal appearance of the lumbar spine...

Non-accidental Trauma – Pediatric Chest X-Ray

Chest radiography of a 2-month-old baby shows multiple bilateral rib fractures of different ages. Left-sided rib fractures (arrowheads) appear to have callus...

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