Monday, February 10, 2025

Lipohemarthrosis – Sagittal CT

Lipohemarthrosis* Mixture of blood and fat in a joint cavity following trauma* Fat from the marrow space...

RFA Liver Complications (CT)

Case courtesy of our radiology website partner, RiT.Complications of Radiofrequency Ablation of Liver Tumors: Hematoma

Hangman’s Fracture (CT)

Image courtesy of our radiology website partner, RiT.Axial CT image of the cervical spine at C2 level...

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (CT)

Case courtesy of our radiology website partner, RiT.Axial CT image of a 42-year-old woman with chronic pelvic...

Crazy Paving on Chest CT

Crazy Paving is a appearance that is basically a linear network or reticular pattern in the crazy-paving...

Transmural Infarct – Cardiac MRI

ransmural infarct. Two-chamber vertical long-axis (VLA) DE-MRI (A) demonstrates a full-thickness transmural infarct involving almost the entire...

Pancreatic cancer with multiple liver metastases

Pancreatic cancer with multiple liver metastases. CT image demonstrates multiple low density lesions...

Hepatocellular Carcinoma on Abdominal CT

Large hepatocellular carcinoma. CT with contrast demonstrates large heterogeneously enhancing mass in the...

Amebic Liver Abscess on CT

Amebic Liver abscess- CT scan illustrates large rim enhancing abscess collection with surrounding...

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