Monday, March 17, 2025
Home Images Page 61


Teaching files, imaging cases, and radiology images

Anterior dislocation of hip

Frontal view of a CT Pelvis SSD recon showing a very dramatic anteroinferior dislocation of right hip.

Ankle Dislocation

Ankle Dislocation - widening of the ankle mortise medially

Ankle fracture

A 27-year-old woman with fracture of the medial malleolus, widening of the tibiofibular syndesmosis, and a high...

Atrial Myxoma CT Cardiac

Atrial Myxoma CT Cardiac

Intradiverticular bladder cancer

Irregular mass like filling defect seen in large diverticulum of the bladder along the lateral wall consistent...

Upper GI with Ascariasis (Parasitic Worms)

Linear filling defects with central opacity seen within upper GI consistent with ascariasis. Double Upper GI...

Bone CT – Don Juan’s Fracture

"Don't try to jump out of a window after fleeing from someone's husband." - "Don Juan's Fracture"...

Left Femoral Neck Fracture on X-Ray

Left Femoral Neck Fracture on X-Ray. Turns out to be a negative Throckmorton's sign.

Medullary Nephrocalcinosis

This ultrasound image shows increased echogenicity of the renal medulla (the pyramids are normally hypoechoic to cortex)....

Partial tears of Achilles tendon

Diagnosis: Partial Achilles Tendon Tear Findings: A partial Achilles...
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