Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Home Images Page 59


Teaching files, imaging cases, and radiology images

Abdominal trauma, Shattered spleen, left renal segmental infarction and left hemothorax.

Submitted by Dr. Runalaila Soofi to radRounds Radiology Network

Saddle Pulmonary Embolism – CTA Chest

Saddle Pulmonary Embolism - CTA Chest Acute pulmonary emboli can be seen on CT...

Lumbosacral Meningiocele

3D scan of a Lumbosacral Meningiocele

Yin Yang Sign

22 yo male with penetrating trauma near the right superficial femoral artery 40 days ago.

Post bulbar ulcers

Someone said the post-bulbar ulcers are usually large ones but what i've seen they are usually small...


CT of myxoid liposarcoma

Patellar Dislocation – X-Ray

Patellar Dislocation - X-Ray Source: Dr. David Lee has submitted...

Misplaced feeding tube on chest x-ray

Misplaced feeding tube on chest x-ray
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