Thursday, March 13, 2025


Diagnosis: Osteochrondoma Findings: Well corticated outgrowth extending from the right iliac bone with no...

AI System Detects Frequently Overlooked Fractures on X-ray

by Whitney Howell of Diagnostic Imaging - Identifying these easily missed breaks can save patients from future negative complications or loss of...

Torus (Buckle) Fracture

Diagnosis: Forearm radiograph shows a fracture as bulged cortex at the distal end of the radius. This...

Teardrop Fracture

This lateral c-spine fracture shows a compression fracture of C6 with an anterior-inferior vertebral body fragment. There...

Cervical Rib X-Ray

Diagnosis: Cervical Ribs Findings on Imaging (Radiograph): X-ray of...

Hangman’s Fracture

A hangman’s fracture is a fracture which involves both pars interarticularis of C2, and is as a...


Ventriculitis or ependymitis is defined as ventricular ependyma infection related to meningitis, cerebral abscess rupture into ventricular...

Fracture of the Tibia

Diagnosis: Fracture of the Tibia Key points: In this...

Pubic symphysis diastasis and fracture (3D Volume CT Render)

Diagnosis: Pubic symphysis diastasis and fracture (3D...

Skull and facial fractures (3D Render CT)

Multiple fractures are seen on the right calvaria and right frontal bone. Credit: Case...
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