Friday, March 7, 2025

Fibrous Dysplasia (CT)

Fibrous Dysplasia Diagnosis: Fibrous dysplasia Modality: CT 3D Render Findings: 3D CT...

Gamekeeper’s Thumb

Gamekeeper’s thumb is essentially synonymous with Skier’s thumb, although the latter has a more acute injury connotation.

Pars Interarticularis Defects

Otherwise known as isthmic spondylolysis, pars interarticularis defects are acquired, and thought to result from repetitive stress...

Calcaneal Tuberosity Avulsion Fracture

This lateral x-ray of the calcaneus shows an avulsion fracture at the insertion of the Achilles tendon,...

Dislocation of Thumb

Diagnosis: Thumb dislocation Modality: X-Ray Credit: X-Ray image submitted by radiologist...

Lipohemarthrosis on MRI

Sag T2 MR of the knee shows a fat fluid level in the suprapatellar region and associated...

Chondrocalcinosis – CPPD as seen on Knee X-Ray

Modality: X-Ray Diagnosis: CPPD Key Points: Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate disease (CPPD)...

Traumatic dislocation clavicle on 3D CT

Diagnosis: Traumatic dislocation of proximal clavicle at the manubrium Modality: CT 3D Render

Kyphoscoliosis (Scoliokyphosis)

Combination of outward curvature which is kyphosis and lateral curvature which is scoliosis = Kyphoscoliosis or also...

Skull and facial fractures (3D Render CT)

Multiple fractures are seen on the right calvaria and right frontal bone. Credit: Case...

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