Diagnosis: Sacroilitis
Modality: CT
Findings: There is right greater than left irregularity of the endplates of the sacroiliac joints with sclerosis seen on both sides involving the sacrum and the iliac bones.
Key Points: Findings are commonly seen incidentally or direct work-up with x-ray. Radiographic findings and CT findings would include sclerosis of the endplates, slightly greater on the iliac side of the joint. There are likely irregular end plates of the joint and widening of the joint spaces seen. Additional findings to support clinical history of sacroilitis may also be helpful. Other key clinical history to obtain includes whether or not the patient may have a prior history of ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter or incomplete Reiter syndrome, asymmetrical polyarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or other degenerative joint disease or autoimmune condition.
Credit: Case submitted by Dr. Vougiouklis Nikolaos to radRounds Radiology Network