Radiologists Not Needed for Barium Swallow Studies
Findings support the growing call to no longer require a radiologist’s presence for a barium swallow study.
Modified barium...
4 Must-Knows about Future Radiologist Liabilities with AI
by Whitney J. Palmer
Liability and responsibility concerns are not significant with AI use now, but as the tools...
A Knee MRI in Half the Time? It’s Possible
by Whitney Palmer
Cutting the time for a knee MRI protocol in half can...
Featuring Renaissance Rad: B. Bobby Chiong MD
As part of our #RenaissanceRad series, we are featuring radiologists who are doing interesting clinical and go...
Practical AI in Radiology – Featured Tech Showcase: Algomedica
Featured Bio: Meet Marc Massaro --- Marc is the Sr. Sales Director for AlgoMedica, the Silicon Valley- Based AI developer of PixelShine....
List of Open Access Medical Imaging Datasets
Open access medical imaging datasets are needed for research, product development, and more for academia and industry. ...
Salter Harris Fractures Review
A great illustration by our very own Dr. Frank Gaillard (MBBS, FRANZCR) ( of He has amazing...
Why Even Radiologists Can Miss A Gorilla Hiding In Plain Sight
Notice anything unusual about this lung scan? Harvard researchers found that 83 percent of radiologists didn't notice the gorilla in the...
Rathke’s Cleft Cyst
Rathke’s cleft cyst is a non-neoplastic epithelium-lined cyst arising from the embryologic remnants of Rathke’s pouch. On...
Radiologists Lead the Pack in Lumbar Punctures
by Whitney Palmer
For nearly 15 years, the number of radiologists performing these procedures has continued to climb while...