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Diagnostic Imaging

Featured articles from our media partner, Diagnostic Imaging (MJH Life Sciences)

Diagnostic Imaging Feature: What’s on the Horizon with MRI for Neuroradiology

7T MRI and MR-Guided Ultrasound presents new clinical opportunities in the pipeline. By Whitney J. Palmer

Six Trends to Watch in 2021 in Radiology

By Whitney J. Palmer COVID-19 dominated healthcare in 2020. The virus simultaneously crushed some...

COVID-19 Vaccine-Linked Adenopathies Could Mimic Breast Malignancies

By Whitney J. Palmer Swollen lymph nodes visualized on mammography and ultrasound appear days post-vaccination and could be mistaken...

Chest Imaging Shows Little Long-Term Lung Scarring from COVID-19

By Whitney J. Palmer How well a patient’s lungs recover post-COVID-19 infection is not necessarily linked with the severity...

A Knee MRI in Half the Time? It’s Possible

by Whitney Palmer Cutting the time for a knee MRI protocol in half can...

4 Must-Knows about Future Radiologist Liabilities with AI

by Whitney J. Palmer Liability and responsibility concerns are not significant with AI use now, but as the tools...

Triage Brain MRIs with AI-Based System

by Whitney J. Palmer of Diagnostic Imaging Using a model trained on three data sets could lead to automated...

AI System Detects Frequently Overlooked Fractures on X-ray

by Whitney Howell of Diagnostic Imaging - Identifying these easily missed breaks can save patients from future negative complications or loss of...

Ambra Health-Arterys Partnership Accelerates AI

May 4, 2021Whitney J. Palmer Collaboration paves the way for improved interoperability. Cloud-based medical image management...

Radiologists Not Needed for Barium Swallow Studies

Findings support the growing call to no longer require a radiologist’s presence for a barium swallow study. Modified barium...

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