Sunday, March 16, 2025
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Teaching files, imaging cases, and radiology images

Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

This patient presented with acute abdominal pain and hypotension. His non-contrast CT shows a large AAA and...


This 33 male patient gave a history of recent travel 3 months of fevers, shoulder tip pain,...

Radiological Sign: Chilaiditi Sign

Radiological Sign: Chilaiditi Sign: "Chilaiditi syndrome" is essentially the anterior interposition of the large bowel relative to...

Traumatic Lens Dislocation

This patient had blunt trauma to the eye. His ocular ultrasound shows echogenic vitreous due to haemorrhage...

Calcified Portal Vein Thrombosis

Not only CT but plain film also may show calcified thrombus in portal vein and its tributaries.

MR Lipohemarthrosis

Sag T2 MR of the knee shows a fat fluid level in the suprapatellar region and associated...

Preseptal Cellulitis (CT of the Face, Axial)

Axial contrast-enhanced CT image of the orbit shows soft tissue thickening of the right preseptal region (between...


Air appears around heart but does not extend above great vessels Air in the...

Pseudopolyps Ulcerative Colitis

Diagnosis: Patient presenting with bloody stools chronically who after multiple diagnostic tests including fluoroscopic study as shown,...

Terry Thomas Sign

An AP wrist plain film, a space is seen between the Scaphoid and the lunate , where...
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