Thursday, March 20, 2025
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Teaching files, imaging cases, and radiology images

Portal Vein Tumor Thrombus

Submitted by Dr. Chandra Sundararajan Mauda to radRounds Radiology Network

Meckel’s Diverticulum

Meckel's Diverticulum Submitted by Dr. Jack to radRounds Radiology Network

Classic Radiological Sign on a KUB: Football Sign

Lucencies show outline of the falciform ligament showing large pneumoperitoneum (in this case a pediatric patient). If...

Tillaux Fracture

Named after Paul Jules Tillaux (1834 – 1904), a French surgeon and anatomist. This fracture is a...

Meningioma CT

Neuroradiology Teaching Files

Light-bulb Sign

Posterior dislocation of R.shoulder :The humeral head is force placed into internal rotation and giving appearance of...

Splenic Abscess Ultrasound

Splenic Abscess Ultrasound

Pseudoanuerysm status post CABG

Diagnosis: Pseudoaneurysm status post CABG Modality: CTA Key Findings: Large partially...

Meckel’s Diverticulum

Meckel's Diverticulum on XA, fluoroscopy
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