Friday, March 21, 2025
Home Images Page 56


Teaching files, imaging cases, and radiology images

Hepatocellular Carcinoma on Ultrasound

Ultrasound image illustrates hypoechoic appearance of a solitary HCC.


Reference: Submitted by Dr. Shoeb Katrawala to radRounds Radiology Network

Indirect Inguinal Hernia

This patient had an incidental indirect hernia found at CT. Note the majority of small bowel has...

Trauma – What do you think happened?

Narrowly missed the optic nerve! A nail gun accident - be careful with nail guns!

Choledochal Cysts Todani Type IV

Reference: Submitted by Dr. Saeed Rad to radRounds Radiology Network

Glomus tumor

Orchitis with Pyocele

Orchitis with Pyocele

Meconium Peritonitis

A sterile chemical peritonitis that occurs in utero from fetal bowel perforation and spillage of meconium into...

Umbilical Vein Varix with Thrombosis

Umbilical vein Varix with thrombosis Reference: Submitted by Dr. Wafaa Shanabo to radRounds Radiology...
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