Friday, February 7, 2025

Duodenia Atresia (Radiograph)

Diagnosis: Duodenal Atresia Credit: Case submitted by Dr. James Frank to radRounds Radiology Network

Small bowel volvulus

Diagnosis: Small bowel volvulus Credit: Case submitted by Dr. Saeed Rad to radRounds Radiology...

ET/CT showing FDG avidity in Breast Cancer

A coronal fused PET/CT image shows a large right breast mass with a ring-like FDG uptake (arrows).

Jaccoud’s arthropathy

- Jaccoud's arthropathy is a chronic deformity characterized by ulnar deviation of the second to fifth fingers...

Erlenmeyer Flask Deformity

Erlenmeyer flask appearance of distal femurs can be seen in a number of...

Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica

Findings include osteocartilaginous nodules within the submucosa of trachea - arises from the cartilage (anterior) component of...

Jones Fracture (X-Ray)

Diagnosis: Jones Fracture Fracture at proximal 5th metatarsal at metadiaphyseal...

Didelphys uterus (MRI)

Diagnosis: Didelphys uterus. Credit: RadsWiki Key Points:

Phthisis Bulbi (CT Scan)

Diagnosis: Phthisis Bulbi Discussion: Phthisis Bulbi is...

Osteochondroma (MRI)

Axial T2-weighted MR image shows an exostosis with a bright cartilagenous cap (arrowheads), which is thin and...

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