Registration is open for the RSNA 107th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, the world’s largest annual radiology forum, to be held at McCormick Place Chicago, Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2021.

RSNA 2021: Redefining Radiology will showcase new ideas and technologies that redefine what it means to work as a radiologist. With more than 2,000 presenters and more than 300 live educational courses, the meeting promises to deliver an outstanding program with a multitude of science, education and CME opportunities for radiology professionals from around the world. 

RSNA 2021 Will Require Vaccines and Masks

We have recently updated our health and safety protocols for the meeting. RSNA will require proof of vaccination from all meeting attendees and exhibitor personnel prior to the meeting or upon admittance to McCormick Place. In addition, face masks will be required in all public indoor spaces. Additional details, including instructions for the verification process, will be provided in the coming weeks. 

RSNA will continue to monitor CDC recommendations and will update safety measures as appropriate. For the most up-to-date information on RSNA 2021 health and safety precautions and requirements, visit

RSNA’s virtual meeting component will allow unvaccinated individuals to participate in the meeting remotely—with 100% of eligible meeting programming available on-demand through April 30, 2022.