(American Medical Association) It is of paramount importance to keep physicians, health care workers, and patients safe amid infectious disease outbreaks such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Telemedicine can support physical distancing efforts and help ensure that care continues to be provided to those who need it most by triaging low-risk urgent care and follow-up appointments while maintaining continuity of care, especially for chronic disease and behavioral health patients who may require routine check-ins.
By reducing unnecessary visits to health care environments, we
can curb the exposure to and transmission of infectious disease,
while helping to keep our front lines safe and ensure they have the
resources needed to take on this immense challenge.
The American Medical Association is committed to supporting and
advocating for physicians and practices throughout the COVID-19
pandemic. For the latest information and updates on COVID-19 and the
AMA’s physician resources, visit the COVID-19 Resource Center
for Physicians. If you need to expedite the implementation of a telehealth solution in order to respond to an emergency need, the
American Medical Association also recommends visiting the AMA
quick guide to telemedicine in practice resource and accessing
the resources and tools created by The Telehealth Initiative, a
collaborative effort between the Physicians Foundation, AMA, Texas
Medical Association, Florida Medical Association, and Massachusetts
Medical Society.