Diagnosis: Madelung Deformity
Modality: X-Ray
Findings: In this frontal and lateral forearm radiograph, there is marked abnormality of the radius with shortening of the radius, bowing of the shaft of the radius, and dorsal subluxation of the distal radioulnar joint consistent with Madelung Deformity.
Key Points: Madelung deformity describes the shortening of the radius, bowing of the radial shaft and dorsal subluxation of the distal radioulnar joint. This is due to the premature closing and defective development of the ulna, and distal physis of the radius. This can be bilateral in roughly 50% of patients and is a rare congenital deformity seen in early puberty or teenage years of age.
Credit: Case submitted by Dr Ritu lokhande MD to radRounds Radiology Network