CTA of this patient shows bilateral popliteal artery aneurysms, patent on the left and thrombosed on the right.
Popliteal artery aneurysms are the most common peripheral arterial aneurysm. They are usually true aneurysms resulting from atherosclerosis or arteriomegaly. False aneurysms may arise from knee trauma, surgery or infection.
True aneurysms of the popliteal artery are commonly bilateral (50 to 70%) and frequently associated with abdominal aortic aneurysms (30 to 50% have a AAA). There is a strong male preponderance with a male to female ratio of 15:1. These aneurysms rarely rupture; the main complications are thrombosis and distal embolism. For this reason asymptomatic aneurysms greater than 2 cm diameter are considered for elective treatment with endovascular insertion of a covered stent, or with open surgical repair.
Reference: Radiopaedia.org
Credit: Dr Donna D’Souza