Friday, March 14, 2025

New AI Technology Prioritizes Critical Chest Scans

A new artificial intelligence-based system out of the University of Warwick identifies time-sensitive chest scans that need to be prioritized, according to...

MRI Can Predict Likelihood of Developing Dementia

MRI might soon be able to predict if a patient will develop dementia up to three years before they start presenting symptoms,...

Getting Rid of Annoying MRI Acoustics With Music

Researchers at Case Western University are turning the noisy and distressing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine acoustics into a lulling music box...

New Technology at University of Missouri School of Medicine Makes MRI Faster and Easier...

At the University of Missouri School of Medicine, patients can now undergo MRIs while being able to breathe normally thanks to the...

AI Collaboration Being Tested at University of Rochester Medicine

The radiology department at the University of Rochester Medicine has fully embraced artificial intelligence (AI) with their recent announcement that they’re testing...

What’s in Store for the New ABR MOC Exam?

The American Board of Radiology (ABR) is replacing its age-old 10-year Maintenance of Certification (MOC) exam with a new Online Longitudinal Assessment (OLA) program....

Deep Learning Helps Accelerate MRI Knee Exam Interpretation

The knee is the most commonly imaged body part by MRI, and a new study has found that deep learning model can accelerate MRI...

Innovative Ultrasound Trial Goes off Without a Hitch and Successfully Treats Early Stage Alzheimer’s

At West Virginia University’s Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute, a group of researchers led by neurosurgeon Ali R. Rezai, MD, are successfully using ultrasound waves...

Facebook and NYU Collaborate to Release the Largest Open-Source MRI Dataset

As a part of their FastMRI project to use artificial intelligence to speed up MRI procedures, New York University and Facebook have just introduced...

The VA is Using Imaging Scans to Create 3D Printed Anatomical Models

Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System and GE Healthcare are collaborating to create 3D printing applications using radiological scans and converting...
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