Friday, March 14, 2025

MRI Could Be Better than Mammography at Detecting Breast Cancer

Magnetic Resonance Imaging detects breast cancer at earlier stages than mammography, according to a study recently published in Oncology. Around 15 percent...

What Does the Helium Shortage Mean for MRI?

Not only is Party City shutting down 45 stores in part because of the worldwide helium deficit, but medical imaging centers are...

Radiology Residents Fail to Recognize Signs of Child Abuse

Radiology programs are struggling to teach residents how to accurately identify signs of child abuse in medical images, according to a study presented at...

Where Are All the Late Career Radiologists?

The population of radiologists in the United States falls by more than 50 percent after around 30 years post-residency, according to a study recently...

New Checklist Effectively Determines if a Child Needs Anesthesia Before MRI

Researchers at the KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Singapore have introduced a checklist to determine if a child needs general anesthesia...

Using MRI and Machine Learning to Predict Cognitive Abilities in Infants

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can now be used in conjunction with machine learning to predict cognitive development in infants, according to a study recently published...

Why We Need End-to-End Encryption on PACS

Malware is being used to manipulate CT and MRI scans to create detrimental misdiagnoses, according to researchers from the Ben-Gurion University Cyber Security...

New ACR Document Questions the Ethical Use of AI in Radiology

The American College of Radiology and several other radiology organizations have released a consensus document analyzing the ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI) in...

New MRI-Based Calcium Sensor Helps Us Better Understand Neuron Activity

Researchers have created a way to use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure calcium activity in order to analyze signal processing in...

When Should You Hold Your Breath During an Abdominal MRI?

Holding one’s breath at the end of the exhale instead of at the end of the inhale during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)...
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