Saturday, December 21, 2024

The ACR Encourages Limiting CT and CXR for COVID-19 Patients

The American College of Radiology (ACR) is urging radiologists to steer clear of CT scans and chest radiographs (CXR) as their first...

What We Can Learn About Coronavirus from Radiological Images of SARS and MERS?

A paper recently published in the American Journal of Roentgenology has found that scans of patients with COVID-19 share many similarities with imaging studies of severe...

Is Tomosynthesis Better than Mammography at Detecting Breast Cancer?

New research shows digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) to be a more effective breast cancer diagnosis tool than digital mammography (DM), according to...

Why We Need to Improve Interpretation Services During Imaging Exams

Imaging exam results are getting lost in translation when ordered for patients who need an interpreter, according to a new study published...

U.S. Government Accuses Yale of Discriminating Against Older Radiologists

Yale New Haven Hospital is under fire from federal prosecutors for allegations that the prestigious medical center’s Late Career Practitioner Policy discriminates and...

Using a Plant Virus to Create a Contrast Medium

Researchers at the University of Texas Dallas (UTD) are playing with alchemy by transforming a virus into an organic radical contrast agent...

MRI Technique Predicts Future Alcohol Abuse in Teenagers

Researchers have developed a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique to determine the likelihood that a teenager will develop binge drinking habits...

Using AI and MRI to Detect ADHD

Researchers from the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center are utilizing multichannel deep neural network model (mcDNN) in conjunction with MRI to predict attention deficit...

North Carolina Imaging Center Sued for Substandard Mammograms

A group of former patients of Raleigh Radiology filed a lawsuit this month against the imaging center for producing substandard mammograms and not meeting...

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