Friday, February 7, 2025

Traumatic dislocation clavicle on 3D CT

Diagnosis: Traumatic dislocation of proximal clavicle at the manubrium Modality: CT 3D Render

Subcutaneous Emphysema and Pneumomediastinum

Subcutaneous Emphysema and Pneumomediastinum Diagnosis: Pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema

Renal Graft in Pelvis on 3D CT (Render)

Shown above is a Renal Graft in Pelvis on 3D CT (Render) Credit: Case...

Aortic Dissection (Coronal CT)

Diagnosis: Aortic dissection Modality: CTA (Coronal view) Credit: Case submitted by...

Thornwaldt’s cyst

A great example of Thornwaldt's cyst on CT. Courtesy of Credit: RadsWiki

Bilateral Pneumoparotid

Axial CT image shows incidentally detected air within the parotid gland bilaterally tracking through Stensen's duct (arrows)....

Carcinoid on CT of the Abdomen

Diagnosis: Carcinoid tumor Modality: CT of the abdomen Discussion:

Pars Interarticularis Defects

Otherwise known as isthmic spondylolysis, pars interarticularis defects are acquired, and thought to result from repetitive stress...

Vein of Galen Malformation

This infant presented at birth with high-output cardiac failure and multiple organ failure. The above image is...

Intracranial Aneurysm Case Vignette

Vignette: A 42 year old woman with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and family history of subarachnoid hemorrhage...

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