This is a 15 year old female patient complaining of chronic pain in epigastric region. Her mother...
Small bowel volvulus
Diagnosis: Small bowel volvulus
Credit: Case submitted by Dr. Saeed Rad to radRounds Radiology...
Biliary Hamartomas in the Liver
Diagnosis: Biliary hemartomas. For complete description of case, please visit (credit)
Adrenal Hemorrhage
Diagnosis: Adrenal hemorrhage
Modality: MRI
Credit: RadsWiki
Splenic Abscess Ultrasound
Splenic Abscess Ultrasound
Diagnosis: Achalasia
Diagnosis: Achalasia
Findings on Imaging:
Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Crohn’s disease with Ileal inflammation
Diagnosis: Crohn's disease
Modality: Barium / Fluoroscopy
Findings: Wall thickening of...
Esophageal Tumor
Diagnosis: Mid esophageal concentric thickening consistent with esophageal malignancy
Double Wall Sign
One of the valuable signs in diagnosis of the pneumoperitoneum in supine film of the abdomen.
Carcinoid on CT of the Abdomen
Diagnosis: Carcinoid tumor
Modality: CT of the abdomen