Large Liver Abscess from Gas-producing organisms – CT
Abscess from gas-producing organisms. CT scan illustrates a large low attenuation abscess with numerous foci of air...
Amebic Liver Abscess on CT
Diagnosis: Amebic Liver abscess- CT scan illustrates large rim enhancing abscess collection with surrounding infiltration and edema.
Diagnosis: Omphalocele
Discussion: Omphalocele, also spelled omphalocoele and known as exomphalos. This...
Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma
A retroperitoneal mass was detected in this 61 year old man on CT scan. CT shows a...
Linitis Plastica
Diagnosis: Linitis plastica
Findings: On barium swallow with stomach demonstrated inadequate distension of the...
Benign Gastric Ulcer
Diagnosis: Gastric ulcer (benign)
Findings: Filling defect disrupting the gastric contour and folds with...
Ascariasis within the small bowel
Diagnosis: Ascariasis within the small bowel
Findings: Filling defect diffusely seen broadly within the...
This is a 15 year old female patient complaining of chronic pain in epigastric region. Her mother...
Small bowel volvulus
Diagnosis: Small bowel volvulus
Credit: Case submitted by Dr. Saeed Rad to radRounds Radiology...
Biliary Hamartomas in the Liver
Diagnosis: Biliary hemartomas. For complete description of case, please visit (credit)