Diagnosis: Osteosarcoma
Findings on Imaging:
- X-ray of the right tibia shows a subtle yet destructive lesion involving the distal tibial metaphysis with areas of calcification and cortical destruction.
- The lesion has a spiculated appearance with periosteal reaction, suggestive of an aggressive bone tumor.
Next Steps in Management:
- The patient should undergo further evaluation to determine the extent and stage of the osteosarcoma.
- Treatment typically involves a combination of chemotherapy and surgery, with the goal of achieving local control of the tumor and preventing distant metastases.
- In cases of localized osteosarcoma, limb salvage surgery is typically performed.
Key Take Away Points:
- Osteosarcoma is an aggressive bone tumor that typically presents as a destructive lesion with calcification and cortical destruction on imaging.
- The goal of treatment is to achieve local control of the tumor and prevent distant metastases, and typically involves a combination of chemotherapy and surgery.
- In cases of localized osteosarcoma, limb salvage surgery is typically performed.
- Early diagnosis and treatment can improve outcomes for patients with osteosarcoma.
Case submitted by Dr. Ehsan Kiani MD to radRounds Radiology Network