Home Images Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) – KUB Images Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) – KUB By radRounds Team Intramural air as well as air in portal venous channels Submitted by Dr. Talha Zubari to radRounds Related Pneumoperitoneum (Lateral KUB)December 20, 2020In "Images"Patient swallowed foreign bodies (KUB)January 1, 2021In "Images"Falciform and phrenicocolic ligaments – Free Air in the Peritoneum (KUB)December 21, 2020In "Images" RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Chest / Thoracic Bilothorax Images Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis Abdominal Mercury Poisoning Chest / Thoracic Pulmonary Fibrosis from Sarcoidosis (CT) ImageIQ Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia (LIP) from Amyloidosis ImageIQ Esophageal Varices - Advertisement - Receive the radRounds Radiology Newsletter featuring breaking news, educational resources, and latest job opportunities. New subscribers randomly selected for free $25 Starbucks Gift Card (*One recipient per week limit)