Friday, March 14, 2025

Diverticulosis after barium study

This patient had a recent barium enema which resulted in barium impaction in numerous colonic diverticula. Barium...

Sudeck’s Atrophy (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome)

Diagnosis: Sudeck's Atrophy (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome) Findings: Adult female presented for follow-up of...

Bochdalek (Pleuroperitoneal) Hernia

Diagnosis: Bochdalek (Pleuroperitoneal) Hernia Findings on Imaging: Imaging studies...

Scrotal Pneumatocele

Findings: Air seen within the scrotum as a result of pneumoperitoneum

Small bowel volvulus

Diagnosis: Small bowel volvulus Credit: Case submitted by Dr. Saeed Rad to radRounds Radiology...

Eosinophilic Granuloma

This male patient presented at age 3 with a mandibular mass. Biopsy showed a dense infiltrate of...

Volar Plate Fracture

The volar plate is a fibrocartilaginous band that strengthens the volar aspect of the joint capsule of...

Patellar Dislocation – X-Ray

Diagnosis: Patellar disclocation Credit: Case submitted by Dr. Ellie Goulding MD to radRounds Radiology...

X-ray of a Neonate with RDS (Respiratory Distress Syndrome)

After Birth neonate develops tachypnea, nasal flaring and grunting.Chest X ray was done which shows hazy, ground...

Left Upper Lobe Collapse – CXR

This 68 year-old male patient presented with cough and dyspnoea. The PA chest xray above shows a...
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