Monday, March 24, 2025

Bucket Handle Meniscal Tear on Knee MRI

Fig: Coronal T2 image (with fat suppression) shows a displaced fragment (arrow) of medial meniscus into the...

Hemorrhagic right breast mass

CT scan without IV contrast showed a large mass, again with a fluid-fluid...

Epiploic Appendagitis

An axial CT image of a 43-year-old man with left lower quadrant pain shows an oval fatty...

CMV Pneumonia on CT

In normal hosts: * Influenza is most common cause of viral pneumonia* On radiographs,...

Osteochondroma (Radiograph)

Diagnosis and Modality: Frontal radiograph of the right shoulder shows a broad-based exostosis with...

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Helps Detect Breast Cancer in Dense Breasts

Diffusion-weighted imaging may be useful as a safe and effective screening tool to supplement mammography in women with dense breast tissues.

Community-Based Intervention May Increase Lung Cancer Screening

Cost, lower literacy levels and fear of lung cancer diagnosis were highlighted as concerns with lung cancer screening. Research...

Low-field MRI Matches Standard-Of-Care Imaging for Hydrocephalus

Early study results suggest that low-field MRI may offer a cost-effective, radiation-free alternative to monitor ventricular volume changes in patients with hydrocephalus.

How COVID-19 Has Inspired Changes in Healthcare

There isn't a person that hasn't been impacted by the pandemic, but what we can do is grow from the challenges we...

Goals, Systems, and Self-Awarded Raises in Radiology: The Other Side of the Coin

Retaining good people should never be about giving them as little as you can get away with for as long as you...
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