Ectopic Kidney in the pelvis!

Diagnosis: Ectopic kidney

Findings on Imaging:

  • Imaging studies such as ultrasound, CT, or MRI may show a kidney that is located outside of its normal anatomical position, indicating an ectopic kidney.
  • On ultrasound, the ectopic kidney may be visualized as a kidney-shaped structure located outside of the renal fossa.
  • On CT or MRI, the ectopic kidney may be seen in an abnormal location, and may have associated anomalies such as a rotated or malpositioned ureter.

Next Steps in Management:

  • Management of an ectopic kidney depends on the location and function of the kidney, as well as the presence of any associated anomalies.
  • Treatment options may include observation, surgical repositioning of the kidney, or removal of the kidney if it is non-functioning or causing symptoms.
  • Regular imaging follow-up is recommended to monitor for changes in the size and position of the ectopic kidney.

Key Take Away Points:

  • Ectopic kidney is a rare condition where the kidney is located outside of its normal anatomical position.
  • Imaging studies such as ultrasound, CT, or MRI can help diagnose an ectopic kidney by showing the kidney in an abnormal location.
  • Treatment of an ectopic kidney may include observation, surgical repositioning, or removal of the kidney if it is non-functioning or causing symptoms.
  • Regular imaging follow-up is recommended to monitor for changes in the size and position of the ectopic kidney.

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