Situs Inversus (CT)
Diagnosis: Situs Inversus
Credit: Case submitted by Dr. Celine Rodriguez MD to radRounds Radiology...
Perilymphatic Nodules
Perilymphatic nodules are interstitial nodules (usually well-defined) which are characterised by distribution. Nodules are subpleural, along fissures,...
Multiple Cerebral Aneurysms
In this female patient who presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage, CTA shows two aneurysms arising from anterior communicating...
Coarctation of the Aorta (CTA)
Diagnosis: Coarctation of the Aorta
Modality: CTA
Findings: Focal narrowing of...
Left hilar lung mass
CXR of Left Hilar Lung Mass
CT of Left Hilar Lung Mass
Diagnosis: Left...
Chronic Tophaceous Gout
This patient has severe tophaceous gout involving the ankle and subtalar joints and many of the small...
Hypoxic Brain Injury Following Drug Packet Rupture
This young adult male patient collapsed on an international flight.A cerebral CT was performed for ongoing reduced...
Gastric cancer in patient with progressive anemia
Diagnosis: Gastric carcinoma
Findings: Mass is seen along the medial border of the stomach...
Diagnosis: Osteochrondoma
Findings: Well corticated outgrowth extending from the right iliac bone with no...
Drug induced pancreatitis
History: New medication started in this patient several days ago
Diagnosis: Pancreatitis